Important Procedure: 5 Reasons Why You Need A Dental Crown  

Dental crowns are designed to cover, protect and restore the teeths’ shape, coming in handy especially when fillings don’t get the job done. Of course, not everyone wants to have dental crowns installed in their teeth, as they worry that the procedure might be intrusive or unpleasant.

However, receiving dental crowns is essentially painless, as your mouth is numbed before the procedure takes place! And, when you consider the trouble that not having dental crowns installed can create, it’s easy to see why you should seriously consider getting them over any fear they might cause you trouble.

With this in mind, here are a few good reasons why you might want to get yourself a dental crown:

  • Your filling is moving around too much

Fillings are prone to moving around and this is especially so when the restoration doesn’t have enough structure to support it. In this scenario, fillings are typically unable to build a tooth or cover large areas, as they might fall out, move around too much or break as soon as you put any pressure on them.

If the area is small enough and has enough enamel to support the restoration then a filling should get the job done. However, if this turns out not to be the case, or the surrounding structure is quite thin with a large filling, then there is a good chance it won’t work.

In these scenarios, it is definitely the best option to have a crown installed.

  • You have received root canal treatment

Endodontic treatment can leave your tooth or teeth a little on the fragile side, because there is no longer a blood supply and living nerve inside the tooth. This is where installing a crown is a really good idea, as it is essentially providing a layer of protection to an otherwise vulnerable tooth.

Conversely, leaving a recently treated tooth without a crown might lead to further cracks or wear that can be dangerous for the tooth.

  • Your tooth/teeth have experienced significant structural damage

If you suffer from bruxism (excessive involuntary teeth grinding) or have fractured your tooth so badly that a large portion has come off, a dental crown might be the perfect option for fixing the problem.

When you have a dental imbalance, your teeth are often forced to overwork the remaining teeth, and can lead to irregular jaw joint movements. A dental crown can potentially stop this problem in its tracks, saving you from the discomfort and continued dental problems that are associated with the problem.

  • You’re switching a tooth for a dental implant

A dental implant is the “root” part of your tooth replacement procedure. If you have individual missing teeth, you’ll have to have a custom-made crown installed to install on the implant abutment. These are similar in look and feel to the ones that get placed on your teeth.

  • They can help save your teeth

In certain situations, teeth can have incurred so much damage that they may have to be removed. However, in certain scenarios a crown can actually save the damaged tooth. In these scenarios, the crown can provide a layer of protection so effective that the worry about having to have that tooth removed is minimised over time, especially if the crown is effective enough to provide consistent coverage for the affected area.

So, if any of the above five reasons sound familiar to you, perhaps it’s time you considered getting that all-important dental crown!