What are the Advantages of Teeth Cleaning, and How is It Performed?

Good oral hygiene is essential since it aims to improve your eating habits due to healthy teeth and also enhance your smile and appearance. A healthy mouth paves the way for a healthy body and mind. Aesthetically enhanced smile boosts your self-confidence and social interaction. 

Buffalo Grove teeth cleanings aim at providing you with healthy teeth and gums, thereby enhancing your oral function, form, and aesthetics. 

What is teeth cleaning?

Teeth cleaning is a routine part of oral hygiene that involves the removal of dental plaque from the tooth surface with the intention of preventing dental problems like cavities, gingivitis, and periodontal diseases. 

Teeth cleaning can be in the following forms:

  • At-home care through regular brushing, flossing, mouthwash, and interdental brushes
  • In-office professional cleaning through scaling and root planing

What are the advantages of teeth cleaning?

Sometimes regular brushing and flossing are not sufficient to maintain good oral hygiene. You may require advanced professional cleaning, especially if the plaque accumulates subgingivally, causing deep gingival pockets, or has hardened to form calculus. 

Professional scaling and root planing benefit in the following ways:

  • Halt the advancement of gum disease to periodontitis. Thus preventing damage to the underlying alveolar bone
  • Treat current infections and promote healing
  • Help to eliminate plaque and calculus above (supragingival) and below the gum line (subgingival)
  • Eliminate bad breath (halitosis) caused by bad breath
  • Protect the roots of your teeth

What happens during teeth cleaning?

Your dentist will initially examine your mouth to assess the condition of your teeth and gums. 

With the help of ultrasonic instruments, your dentist will remove plaque and calculus from the tooth surface. 

After your teeth are plaque and calculus free, your dentist will use a high-speed electric brush to polish your teeth. A gritty toothpaste is used to gently scrub your tooth surfaces. 

You will be made to rinse your mouth using liquid fluoride. If required, you will be given a fluoride treatment in the form of foamy gel that is placed in a mouthpiece that fits into your mouth. This is kept for 1 to 2 minutes and then removed. 

Bottom line 

Professional teeth cleanings are necessary at least twice a year to maintain good oral hygiene, which is not possible with brushing and flossing alone. 

Regular dental visits are essential to detect dental problems at an early stage to treat them accordingly and prevent further deterioration.